Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Goodbye 2010, it was wonderful!

     Well, its been a while since I blogged. Looking back, it was an awkward season of transition. In the past transitions felt gradual, but this one could be compared to being dunked in freezing cold water and then being told to swim. Thankfully, the water has become warm and comfortable and I'm starting to see palm trees in the distance.
     Now, putting the metaphor aside, as I reflect on my 2010 year, the only words that come to mind are "the year of miracles". Glory be to God, I saw things I never thought would happen come to pass. For starters, Frank and I got married. While I knew this would happen one day, I couldn't imagine the changes God would do in both of our lives. Everyone always says that your love will grow, and I never believed it would. I guess I thought we'd get married and then love each other the same way that we did on our wedding day for the rest of our lives, but I've learned that if you let it, love only grows and grows.
     The second miracle came when Frank came back from Afghanistan early. Without going into details, I could not be more blessed by his home-coming, and the surprise manner of it.
     I've also been blessed to have a wonderful relationship with my parents. Five years ago, I never could have imagined having such a wonderful relationship with parents who love and support me in such a wonderful manner that they could have only learned if from God. When I think about the transition and growth in our relationships, I know that only by the Hand of God could these changes have come to pass.
     My family has also grown significantly as I now have many more friends that I've grown closer to and now count as family. When I stopped working after moving out to Oklahoma, I really didn't know what to do with myself or what I could do for God. I felt that serving with children and taking care of them was my way of honoring God, and without that I felt lost. What I gained was precious time to spend talking with friends. There is such joy in being able to share life with those that are close to you whether it be a spouse, sister, family or friends, and I have been blessed beyond measure when I think about the people that share bits of their lives with me!

For the year of 2011, I've been searching for some word, sign, or prophecy in regards to what others say is about to come, but all that know is that as long as God's glory is shining... it will be a good year!

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