Tuesday, February 15, 2011

No Cable.. Day 1.

So we got rid of cable because:

a) i have a personal issue with our cable company
b) I didn't want to be giving them our money
c) we wanted to spend our time doing things that would better ourselves and our marriage- not just zone out d) the Duggars dont have cable- but now I can't watch them :(

So every morning I wake up, and lay in bed and watch tv. School can wait, so I have a lazy morning and drink my coffee and have breakfast in bed, I know, tough life.
This morning, however, I had no idea what to do as my daily routine, for what has seemed to be years, has been destroyed. It reminded me of a prophetic word I had received about a year ago about God interrupting my schedule.. for good reasons. And that was certainly the case of today.

So without TV, I logged onto CBN to watch the 700's Club on-line (praise God for CBN broadcasting on-line) and I got to have my mini-dose of inspiration for the day... and with no monthly cable bill :)
Next, I put on a Spirtual Gifts Webcast while I start my day and then I can listen to CBN Radio while I get my daily reading done. Wonderful!

Now this is only day one with no cable.. and unfortunately I'm much more reliant on tv as a distraction then I'd like to admitt, but it's been a stretching experience, that I know was inspired by God. I've had to (and am having to) change how I spend my day for the better. Where silly sitcoms would play in the background, now an online radio of praise music plays... Gilmore Girls has been replaced with time to dedicate to God.

If you're not familiar with CBN and what they offer.. check it out:

They offer Christian Radio stations (commercial free), and inspirational shows, as well as interactive shows where you can ask questions, get answers and so much more :)

The words of the psalm seem much more real today...

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

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