Monday, March 7, 2011

Prophecy and Humor

So last week I was at church and while we were praying our closing prayers, God gave me a vision for the person standing next to me. Now, I'll admit I had been sorely lacking on sharing prophetic visions because approaching people isn't my thing, or I think a better moment will come.
Anyway, I learned everything I know about prophecy from Bob and Jo-Ann's "Aerie" meetings. At the end of each meeting, one person would be chosen to sit in the middle of the room while the rest of us prayed for them and shared any words we might have gotten that could edify and encourage the person. So usually if God showed my something, I would start by explaining to them what I saw, and then share what I felt that meant.

So last Monday, I went up to this woman as she was leaving and I began to tell her what I saw. "You were sitting in a boat that God was pulling by a rope," I began. Now, I will never, ever, forget the look she gave me. It was a mixture of what's wrong with you that you're seeing things and don't take a step closer otherwise I'll have to use self-defense. So I very quickly skipped the description of my vision, and jumped right to what I felt it meant. So I awkwardly told her that God was going to be pulling her out of her current season and into one of rest, restoration, and completion. With that she smiled, and I think said thank you, as we awkwardly parted ways.

I got into the truck feeling awkward, yet satisfied that I shared what God wanted me to say. I spent a lot of time reflecting on that moment, and it became very clear to me that there is a HUGE difference in giving someone a prophetic word when they are sitting ready to receive it, then giving someone a word who might have no idea what a prophetic word is or why your talking to them. I certainly decided that in the future I needed some icebreakers instead of just jumping in talking about boats and ropes...

The story has a happy ending, as the woman came up to my at church on Sunday and said, "I don't know if it was because you said it or what you said, but this week has been the best in a long time." I said that was certainly God and that I was so happy for her! But today, I am praying that if it's needed, God will bring about another opportunity for me to share about prophecy and His will to empower and love on His people.

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