Friday, April 1, 2011

30 Days of Praise... Day 1

So these past few weeks, I feel like I have really been challenged to seek out all the wonderful things that have happened in life. It's so easy to get caught up in what you want and what your next need is, and then forget how far you've come and just what you truly have to be thankful for!

Join me for the next 30 days by spending some quiet time reflecting on just what you have to be thankful for! Each day has it's own prompt, and I've decided to be bold and share my responses with whoever may come across them so that it may inspire someone struggling in an area, or remind someone just what they have to be thankful for!

Day One: Write (or reflect) about a time in your life that was truly difficult and trying. Aren’t you thankful that your circumstances have changed? Did this time help establish who you are today?
Scripture: With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the LORD: “He is good; his love toward Israel endures forever.” And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid. Ezra 3:11

Looking back, one of the greatest struggles I faced in my short life has been anorexia. It's sort of a "hush-hush" word, but it certainly is plaguing both men and women in our society. Having come through what I've been through, I can truly say:

I’m thankful for my body.
For years, I hated my body. It wasn’t long and lean the way I saw all the “pretty” women, and I went to outrageous and unhealthy means to get a body that was sickly thin. I’m thankful, that one fateful day, God opened my eyes to the harm I was putting myself through, and throughout the years He has shown me where beauty comes from. I am thankful that my body allows me to dance, and run; mostly that my body allows me to be alive. I now know that God had bigger plans for me then allowing me to die in my obsession, but brought me through so that I could praise Him.

Come join in the challenge, remember where you’ve been, and be joyful of how far you’ve come!

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