Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day

So America certainly isn't in its glory days but today I'm very proud to honor those who have served and protected our country. Of course, when I think of veterans, I think of Frank and his father who both served in recent times of war and peace. I also am proud to know veterans from Vietnam, Korea, and a very special veteran from World War II.

My grandfather was there as they stormed the beaches of Normandy. He talked about how they had to turn their guns at their own men to get them off the boat and on to the beach. If you've ever seen a movie depicting that fateful day, you'd certainly understand why. I'm very proud to be able to say that my grandfather was there that day, and lived to tell about it. There were many more battles, sleepless nights, and war scars that followed. As the war ended, he took part in the liberation of various concentration camps; I can only imagine that they left him filled with images that would never fade. Nonetheless, he returned home in one piece and went on to do his best at having a normal life and raising a family.

This photo was taken in Germany, I believe at an airbase:

So thank you grandpa for your service!

This was sent to my Great-Aunt Opal (grandfather's sister). My grandfather was sitting across from a woman, so she cut her out before giving the picture to my mom :)

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